A List Of 50 Things You Should Get Right Now To Prepare For The Chaotic Events Of The Next 12 Months by for The Economic Collapse Blog
People have been asking me to do an article like this for quite some time. In all the years that I have been writing, I have never seen so many of my readers so alarmed about our immediate future. Over and over again, I have been getting emails from people asking for advice about how to prepare for what is ahead, and so many of them are using the word “urgency” to describe what they are feeling. And I can definitely identify with that, because around the middle of last year that is a word that I started using constantly. I felt an urgency about 2020 that I had never felt about any other upcoming year, and there were certain things that I knew that I had to get done. One of those things that I had to get done was my new book, and it is now finished. The plan is to release it this month, and after reading it there will be no doubt about why I have been feeling such a sense of urgency in recent months.
I want to warn you in advance that the list below is not an exhaustive list.
Instead, it is meant to be a very basic starting guide. There are many other things that could (and probably should) be added to this list, and I very much encourage readers to leave comments after this article with their own suggestions and recommendations. We should always be willing to learn from one another, because nobody is an expert on everything.
To me, the four primary priorities for preparing for an emergency scenario are food, water, energy and shelter. Once you have got those four basic areas covered, you can certainly build on that foundation by addressing other considerations.
In the title of this article I use the phrase “the next 12 months”, but I do not mean to imply that everything will be fine after those 12 months are over. In fact, I am convinced that our problems are only going to intensify as time rolls along.
And I certainly hope that you will not need everything on this list during the next 12 months. Hopefully, you will not need to use some of these items for a few years. But this is definitely a great opportunity to purchase many of these things, because a lot of them are only going to become more expensive and more difficult to acquire the worse conditions get.
In putting this list together, I was envisioning a scenario in which most of you will be sheltering at home rather than “bugging out” to an alternative location. In a “bugging out” scenario, this list would look quite a bit different.
Also, I didn’t address self-defense in this list, but without a doubt it is very important. In fact, if you live in or near a major city, it is imperative to have a plan for defending yourself and your family. For years, I have been encouraging readers to move away from the major cities, but for a lot of people that simply isn’t possible at this moment. More than 51 million Americans have filed new claims for unemployment so far this year, and so a good stable job is an extremely valuable thing to have at this moment. If your job is keeping you in a potentially dangerous area right now, you will also want to have a plan for “bugging out” to a more remote location if the need arises.
With all of that being said, the following are 50 things that I am encouraging everyone to stock up on in order to prepare for the chaotic times that are coming…
#1A Generator
#2A Berkey Water Filter
#3A Rainwater Collection System If You Do Not Have A Natural Supply Of Water Near Your Home
#4An Emergency Medical Kit
#7Canned Soup
#8Canned Vegetables
#9Canned Fruit
#10Canned Chicken
#11Jars Of Peanut Butter
#14Powdered Milk
#15Bags Of Flour
#17Lots Of Extra Coffee (If You Drink It)
#18Buckets Of Long-Term Storable Food
#19Extra Vitamins
#20Lighters Or Matches
#22Flashlights Or Lanterns
#23Plenty Of Wood To Burn
#24Extra Blankets
#25Extra Sleeping Bags